Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Exclusionary Rule

Definition: No object may be used in court as evidence if obtained illegally or without a proper search warrant.
How it Works: The rule is designed to exclude evidence obtained in violation of a criminal defendant's fourth amendment rights.

Due Process Court Case

Dred Scott vs Sanford
This case was about slavery and how slaves could never be citizens of the United States.
The Court declared that the owners due process rights would be violated if he lost his property (Dreds) simply by going into another state and taking his property with him.

Monday, April 4, 2011


Whats racism to me? I think racism is the line between a white american and black american (difference)
What behaviors and attitudes does a racist person display? Racist people display the same attitudes as I although people judge the racist a different way because they might have a different color of skin.

Do racist publications, such as song lyrics or Web sites, influence people's opinions and attitudes toward others? Yes, very much so... there really is no difference between a black man  and a white man.
 How do they make me feel? Sometimes i feel sorry for alot of racist people but some are different than others, some have the gene of hippies that i dont like and some have the gene of a hard working man like Martin Luther King and Jr.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Guilty or Innocent ?

In the case of Alex McGee vs state of Iowa i would have found that Alex was guilty from the way he was talking on the stand... he wasn't always sure what he wanted to say like he was trying to lie about it all.
Again i figured he was guilty from the way he was mad when he went to work and when he got home, he could have very well killed her then. 
And the skin under her nails was part of Alex's flesh so i figured he may have been a little ticked about that so he could of shot her and stabbed the maid.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Religion in school Cartoon

My Cartoon is about religion in school. The man on the left is saying that "In God We Trust" should be posted in school. This is not a terrible statement because it is on money where we see it everyday. On the right side of the picture it shows the teacher at the chalk board standing on a stool writing "IN ALLAH WE TRUST" across the wall above the chalk board. She is making her statement to separate Church and State. As you see the kids are paying much attention and they are not jacking around because it is very interesting to them.

Freedom of speech

What does freedom of speech mean to me?
To me freedom of speech means that i should have the right to say anything i want about a case in the court room. freedom of speech could be takin in a more serious case in some causes than others. i think freedom of speech is needed for court cases so one person cant just blame all to one person, it can be talked back from.

Religion in school Cartoon

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Texas Vs. Johnson

I disagree with the texas vs johnson because if the flag touches the ground on purpose then it needs burnt, but if it touches the ground on accident for a short time then it should be ok to fly.

14th amendment

I believe that abortion should be illegal because abortion stops a beating heart. You will always remember after you have an abortion that you killed a baby girl/boy.

2nd amendment blog

Iowa requires an annually renewed permit to acquire pistols or revolvers, unless the purchaser holds a valid permit to carry firearms. An unlimited number of handguns can be purchased with either permit.It was the first Supreme Court case in United States history to decide whether the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms for self defense.